Setting up the Site

Let us create a new site and call it library.

Note: Before you create any new site, you need to activate the Barracuda storage engine on your MariaDB installation. Copy the following default ERPNext database settings into your my.cnf file.

character-set-client-handshake = FALSE
character-set-server = utf8mb4
collation-server = utf8mb4_unicode_ci

default-character-set = utf8mb4
You can then install a new site, by the command bench new-site library.

This will create a new database and site folder and install frappe (which is also an application!) in the new site. The frappe application has two built-in modules Core and Website. The Core module contains the basic models for the application. Frappé is a batteries included framework and comes with a lot of built-in models. These models are called DocTypes. More on that later.

$ bench new-site library
MySQL root password:
Installing frappe...
Updating frappe                     : [========================================]
Updating country info               : [========================================]
Set Administrator password:
Re-enter Administrator password:
Installing fixtures...
*** Scheduler is disabled ***
Site Structure

A new folder called library will be created in the sites folder. Here is the standard folder structure for a site.

├── locks
├── private
│   └── backups
├── public
│   └── files
└── site_config.json
public/files is where user uploaded files are stored.
private/backups is where backups are dumped
site_config.json is where site level configurations are maintained.
Setting Default Site

In case you have multiple sites on you bench use bench use [site_name] to set the default site.


$ bench use library
Install App

Now let us install our app library_management in our site library

Install library_management in library with: bench --site [site_name] install-app [app_name]

$ bench --site library install-app library_management

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